Proelite Staff

Privacy policy

Article 1: Introduction

Proelite Staff has a responsibility to protect and preserve the personal information of our users, and we take this responsibility very seriously.
This Privacy Policy is issued by Proelite Staff for the purpose of providing information regarding the management of personal data, i.e. information that identifies you as an individual.
This Privacy Policy covers all persons who communicate their data to Proelite Staff.

It supplements the legal notice and the General Conditions of Use.

Article 2: Personal data we collect

When you contact Proelite Staff, we may collect, store and process the following personal data:

– Identification and contact information such as your name, address, telephone numbers/email addresses, identity card/passport, bank details, social security numbers, tax address, solvency, or that of your company;

– Application information, such as academic and professional qualifications, resume, transcripts and references, cover letters, interview information, compensation/benefits requests, relocation information, and any other information you have provided to us in support of and during the recruitment process;

– Information on professional eligibility, such as immigration status, work permits and visas.

– In some cases, we may request, on a voluntary disclosure basis and on a limited and targeted basis, a candidate’s sensitive personal data, such as racial/ethnic origin, military status, disability status and gender to fulfill government reporting obligations and/or ensure ongoing equal opportunity and diversity monitoring, where permitted by law.
Applicants may also provide Proelite Staff with sensitive personal data, even if it is not requested.
In all cases, Proelite Staff will process such data in accordance with applicable laws.

Proelite Staff may also collect information from third parties or public sources as necessary.
For example, prior to employment or an appointment with Proelite Staff, we may collect information from appropriate social networks for recruitment purposes.
We may also conduct background checks on applicants through a third-party service provider and collect information about your education, employment and criminal record.
We may also conduct financial, legal or corporate background checks.
At the same time, third parties may refer or recommend you.

Article 3: Purposes of processing and use of Personal Data

We collect, process, store, update and transfer personal data when we deem it necessary to carry out the business of Proelite Staff.
Personal data is used for the following purposes:

– Determine a candidate’s qualifications, skills and background for a particular position;

– Draw up quotations, contracts and invoices;

– Determining the right to work ;

– To conduct background checks and similar investigations in accordance with applicable laws and, if not, to comply with all applicable laws ;

– Communicating during the recruitment process;

– Perform functions related to the candidate’s future job ;

– Manage and improve the development of Proelite Staff.

We may need to provide certain personal data to third-party agents and subcontractors who help us carry out these specific tasks.
At the time you provide information to Proelite Staff, Proelite Staff will inform you whether or not you need to provide specific personal data.

Article 4: Disclosure and transfer of personal data

Proelite Staff will not share or disclose any personal data for purposes other than those detailed in this Privacy Policy without prior consent.
Proelite Staff will take all steps necessary to allow access to personal data only to Proelite Staff’s employees, agents, contractors or similar entities to the extent necessary for the purposes set forth in this Privacy Policy.
Proelite Staff will not sell personal data under any circumstances.

4.1 Transfers of your Personal Data to certain third-party service providers

In the course of its activities, Proelite Staff may make certain personal data available to third parties who provide services in support of these activities.
Proelite Staff will only carry out such transfers in cases of extreme necessity and in accordance with applicable data protection regulations.

For example, certain personal data may be made available to third-party companies that provide or help operate our database, support services, analysis/background check services.
These service providers may change over time, but we will always use trusted service providers who will process your personal data in accordance with this Privacy Policy and applicable laws.

4.2 Transfers of your Personal Data to third parties

In addition to section 4.1, Proelite Staff may also disclose your personal data to other third parties in certain circumstances, including:

– To meet our legal obligations ;

– To establish, exercise or defend against potential, threatened or actual litigation;

– If necessary, to protect Proelite Staff, your vital interests or those of another person;

– In connection with the sale, assignment or other transfer of all or part of our business.

Article 5: Retention of your Personal Data

You agree that Proelite Staff may retain the information you provide to enable Proelite Staff to contact you in the future.
If the retention of your personal data is not necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, such data will be confidentially deleted in accordance with applicable regulations.

Article 6: Exercising your rights

Any user concerned by the processing of their personal data may avail themselves of the following rights, pursuant to European Regulation 2016/679 and the Data Protection Act (Law 78-17 of January 6, 1978):

– Right of access, rectification and right to erasure of data (laid down respectively in Articles 15, 16 and 17 of the RGPD);

– Right to data portability (Article 20 RGPD);

– Right to limit (Article 18 of the GDPR) and object to data processing (Article 21 of the GDPR);

– Right not to be subject to a decision based exclusively on an automated process;

– Right to determine the fate of data after death ;

– Right to refer the matter to the competent supervisory authority (Article 77 of the RGPD).

To exercise your rights, please send an e-mail to

In order for the data controller to process the user’s request, the user may be required to provide certain information, such as first and last names, e-mail address and telephone number.

Visit for more information on your rights.

Article 7: Contacts and complaints

You can contact Proelite Staff at
If you believe that your data protection rights have been violated by Proelite Staff, you may file a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority in your jurisdiction.

Article 8: Updates to this Privacy Policy

Please check the “last updated” date at the top of this page to see when this Privacy Policy was last modified.
Any changes to this Privacy Policy will be effective as of the “last updated” date indicated at the top of the page.
We invite you to consult this Privacy Policy regularly to ensure that you are aware of the most recent version.

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