Proelite Staff

Front desk

The list of services offered is not exhaustive. Please do not hesitate to contact us for other services.

Company receptionist (M/F)

Main tasks include welcoming and directing visitors, issuing passes, badges…
He/she manages the switchboard and mail. He/she carries out various administrative tasks.

Event host (M/F)

We take part in our customers’ major events, such as trade and consumer shows, seminars, conventions, general meetings, cocktail parties, sporting and cultural events.
Your member of staff is dedicated to welcoming, guiding and informing the public, and managing the checkroom.

Switchboard operator (M/F)

Holds a strategic position within the company. Its main tasks are to receive incoming telephone calls, direct them to the right person or take messages. He/she is the first point of contact for your customers or partners. He/she provides information to customers, partners and suppliers. He/she is trained to handle a multi-line switchboard. He/she has the ability to manage several tasks at the same time.

Sales promoter (M/F)

Its mission is to promote its products or services, welcome customers at various points of sale (department stores, boutiques, shopping malls, specialized chains, etc.), promote products, show them to the public and ensure the satisfaction of all visitors and customers.

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